About us 關於我們
Established since 1995, Galaxy Scientific Group has been actively serving the government, institutes and individuals in providing astronomy programs and support, technical consultation and infrastructure building services. With premium expertise and equipment such as Lake Egret Observatory, Star Academy and the first STARLAB planetarium of HK, we aspire to ignite general public’s appreciation towards the unknown world, and in turn to understand life as a whole.
Star Academy Observatory
圓頂天文台是多少天文愛好者夢寐以求的設施,透過巨型天文望遠鏡觀測宇宙,感性欣賞星空,或進行高技術科研。建於1979年,Star Academy Observatory前身為中文大學第一代天文台,為香港首個圓頂天文台,後曾遷至白鷺湖活動中心,現址為香港青年協會西貢戶外訓練營。香港青年協會賽馬會西貢戶外訓練營位處香港最理想的觀星地區之一,交通十分便利,同時提供460個宿位、餐飲、會議及其他活動配套。星河科研社投入天文台、星象館等設施,除支援各項天文教育工作外,亦會舉行不定期愛好者培訓等。現時接受團體申請舉辦觀星體驗,亦不時會為會友舉活動。