Celestron StarSense Explorer DX 5” 最新到貨 new arrival
本社全新引入望遠鏡型號Celestron StarSense Explorer DX 5” 智能手機程式輔助施密特望遠鏡。穩定的地平式台架與雙軸微動桿跟精確的智能手機應用程序互相配合,此望遠鏡是牽星法(star hopping)及電子輔助尋星的兩全其美選擇。這台5寸口徑望遠鏡非常適合初學者,目視效果理想,日後又有很大升級可能性。
Celestron StarSense Explorer DX 5”
Our Group newly introduced the telescope model, Celestron StarSense Explorer DX 5” Smartphone App-Enabled Schmidt Cassegrain Telescope. Combining the stable Alt-Az mount with dual-axis slow-motion controls and the accurate smartphone app, the telescope is best of the both worlds of star hopping - manually and electronically assisted. This telescope with large 5” optical tube is ideal for beginners, has satisfying visual effect and many upgrade possibilities in days to come.
Please feel free to contact us for more information or orders.
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