Seestar S30 Smart Telescope 智能望遠鏡

分類: 器材 Equipment
昨晚工作得比較晚,回到家樓下在平台拿Seestar S30出來拍拍月亮又拍拍獵戶座大星雲,雙鏡功能對瞄準目標十分方便。拍攝過程很輕快,也是一種城市人減壓的方式吧。
I worked late last night. When I got home, I took out the Seestar S30 on the platform downstairs to take some pictures of the Orion Nebula. The dual-lens function is very convenient for aiming at the target. The shooting process is very brisk, and it is also a way for city people to reduce stress.
瀏覽次數: 195喜歡: 0
分享: Pinterest

