星河科研社eshop 2週年優惠及eshop客戶滿意度問卷調查 Galaxy Scientific Group 2nd anniversary promotions & eshop.astro.hk Customer Satisfaction Survey

分類: 器材情報 Equipment, 活動 Activities
【星河科研社eshop 2週年優惠及eshop客戶滿意度問卷調查】
【Galaxy Scientific Group 2nd anniversary promotions & eshop.astro.hk Customer Satisfaction Survey】
星河科研社網店 eshop.astro.hk 自2022年10月1日上架,上月已邁向兩週年,非常感謝各位對星河科研社的支持。
為回饋客戶,星河科研社推出了eshop客戶滿意度問卷調查,了解曾經使用過eshop的用戶體驗。完成問卷可獲HKD50 eshop credit作為答謝。回答額外問題的更有機會獲得額外HKD 30-200不等的eshop credit。問卷截止日期為 2024年11月30日: https://forms.gle/Ly3s6JknoSR5Ym5MA
另外,由即日起至2024年12月31日,星河科研社將推出兩週年eshop優惠,詳情請見連結: https://eshop.astro.hk/contents/pages/2ndanniversay
The Galaxy Scientific Group online store, eshop.astro.hk, launched on October 1, 2022, and we recently celebrated our 2nd anniversary. Thank you to all our customers for your support!
To express our appreciation, we are conducting a satisfaction survey to gather feedback on your experience with our eshop. By completing the survey, you will receive HKD 50 in eshop credit as a reward. Additionally, answering extra questions may give you a chance to win additional eshop credit ranging from HKD 30 to 200. The survey will close on November 30, 2024: https://forms.gle/Ly3s6JknoSR5Ym5MA
Also, from now until December 31, 2024, we are offering a special promotion to celebrate our 2nd anniversary. For more details, please visit the following link: https://eshop.astro.hk/contents/pages/2ndanniversay
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