青海冷湖紫金山阿特拉斯彗星 C/2023 A3 Tsuchinshan-ATLAS from LengHu QingHai

分類: 觀測報告 Observations
這幾天同事正在中國青海冷湖站上調試望遠鏡,這是星河科研社歷來最大型的天文技術項目,台址海拔4000米,視寧度媲美全球最佳的南極洲Dome A,也順手用手機拍拍紫金山-阿特拉斯彗星。
Colleague has been in Qinghai's Leng Hu Station in China these days, tunning the telescope. It's the biggest astronomical project ever undertaken by the Galaxy Scientific Group. The site is at an altitude of 4000 meters, with seeing comparable to the best in the world at Dome A in Antarctica. He also took some photos of the Tsuchinshan-ATLAS Comet with his phone.
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