中國長征六號火箭升空及千帆星座衛星網絡 China Long March 6 rocket & Thousand Sails communications mega-constellation

分類: 觀測報告 Observations
繼續上大帽山,但彗星被薄雲掩蓋效果很差。反而剛好拍到長征六號火箭升空,中國正在組建千帆星座衛星網絡。今晚出動器材包括ZWO Seestar、Celestron Origin、SkyWatcher 102折射。
Continued up Tai Mo Shan, but the comet was poorly visible due to thin clouds. However, I managed to capture the launch of the Long March 6 rocket, as China is building the Thousand Sails low Earth orbit communications mega-constellation. Tonight's equipment lineup includes ZWO Seestar, Celestron Origin, and SkyWatcher 102 refractor.
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