Celestron Origin First Light 智能望遠鏡開光

分類: 器材 Equipment
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中秋夜有雷暴及驟雨所以一早睡了,早上5點看看天開了,把新到的Celestron Origin配另購短三腳到樓下開光拍攝。
Celestron Origin開機很快,除了WIFI那通用密碼外,我沒看手冊便能裝起來操作拍攝,比Seestar更簡單,所以入門者或學生都能在幾分鐘內輕鬆掌握。以WIFI連接望遠鏡後啟動,會自動多位校正,過程很快完成,這個對指向及拍攝效率有很大幫助,然後選取獵戶座大星雲開光,目標一步到位便可以拍攝,加上望遠鏡本身是f/2.2超大光圈,所以實時畫面都能看到星雲核心部份,軟件編製很好,很快便拍好第一幅圖,而且在下載期間也持續拍攝,期間沒有掉失,2分鐘總曝光的也就大概2分鐘多點便完成。App的操作界面可以調節影像,效果不錯。
Celestron Origin開光很成功,因為已用了Seestar智能望遠鏡剛好一年,很快掌握兩者操作差異。總的來說,Celestron Origin在性能及影像質量方面,包括約3倍的像素及5倍的拍攝速度完勝Seestar,已能直接取代中低位價攝星鏡,但整套器材明顯較重,加上價格近港幣3萬元,大家面向的市場不同,Celestron Origin更多是進階愛好者、教育工作者或機構採購作教學示範用途等。最後,我認為一個小缺點是指向時聲音較大。

I went to bed early on Mid-Autumn Festival due to thunderstorms and heavy rain. When I woke up at 5 am, the sky had cleared, so I took my new Celestron Origin with a separately purchased short tripod downstairs to start shooting. 
The Celestron Origin boots up quickly, and apart from the universal WIFI password, I could set it up and operate it for shooting without looking at the manual. It's easier than the Seestar, so beginners or students can easily grasp it within minutes. After connecting the telescope via WIFI and powering it on, it automatically does multi-star calibration, the process was swiftly concluded and greatly helps with pointing and shooting efficiency. I then selected the Orion Nebula for shooting, and the target was right in place for shooting. With the telescope's f/2.2 ultra-fast speed, I can see the core of the nebula in real-time. The software is well-designed, allowing me to quickly capture the first image, and it continued shooting during the download process without any interruptions. The total exposure time of 2 minutes was completed in just over 2 minutes. The app interface allows for image adjustments with good results. Here's the original image with a 2-minute exposure, directly from the telescope, taken during a full moon near the outskirts of Castle Peak Road.
As it was already 5:30 am and the sky was starting to brighten, I aimed my telescope towards the Pleiades cluster (M45) at an elevation of 75 degrees near the zenith. The Celestron Origin's alignment was still quick and precise, allowing for stacking of each frame during the photo shoot, which is not the usual case of Seestar. 
The Celestron Origin's first light was a success. Having used the Seestar smart telescope for about a year, I swiftly adapted to the differences in operation between the two. Overall, The Celestron Origin easily outperforms the Seestar in terms of performance and image quality, boasting around 3 times the pixels and 5 times the shooting speed. It's definitely a game-changer and can directly replace mid to low-priced astrophotography telescopes. However, the equipment is much heavier, and with a price nearing HK$30,000, it caters to a different market segment. The Celestron Origin is more suitable for advanced enthusiasts, educators, or institutions for educational demonstration purposes. One minor drawback I observed is that the telescope produces a relatively loud noise during slewing.
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