科研項目 SkyWatcher StarGate 20'' SynScan Research Project

分類: 技術項目 Projects, 器材 Equipment
我們這個中科院項目,在這台港幣6萬元的50公分口徑愛好者高端鏡SkyWatcher Dob 20上,加碼升級至總計20萬元裝備作科研實驗用,下月將在中國最理想的天文觀測站青海冷湖鎮測試。
Our Chinese Academy of Sciences project took a HK$60,000 high-end 50cm SkyWatcher Dob 20 hobby telescope and upgraded the total equipment to HK$200,000 for use in scientific research experiments. This upgraded setup will be tested next month at one of the most ideal astronomical observation sites in China, Qinghai Lenghu in Qinghai province.
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