馬來西亞國家天文台 Malaysia National Observatory RCOS 20" Telescope

分類: 技術項目 Projects, 器材 Equipment
馬來西亞國家天文台的 RCOS 20" 反射鏡已運抵香港作維護升級,這幾天已收到不少當地友人私訊,因為這鏡在該國天文科研及教育方面多年來作出很大貢獻,心繫不少天文人。放心我會儘力把工作做好,不負大家所託。我個人在西藏的遙控天文台也是同口徑的Officina Stellare RiFast 500,但是較大的f/3.8光圈。
The RCOS 20" reflector of the National Astronomical Observatory of Malaysia has arrived in Hong Kong for maintenance and upgrade. In the past few days, I have received many private messages from local friends, as this telescope has made significant contributions to astronomical research and education in the country for many years, and it holds a special place in the hearts of many astronomers. Rest assured, I will do my best to complete the work and live up to everyone's expectations. Personally, my remote observatory in Tibet also uses an Officina Stellare RiFast 500 with the same aperture, but with a larger f/3.8 aperture.
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