ZWO 4月優惠及ASI585MC Pro現已上架 ZWO Solar Eclipse Sale & ASI585MC Pro Now Available on eshop

分類: 市場訊息 Market update, 器材情報 Equipment
從4月10日起至本月底,購買AM5/AM3 諧波赤道儀將免費贈送TC40 碳纖三腳架,數量有限,售完即止。另外,ZWO亦推出APO特別優惠,將多款折射鏡價格下調,有興趣的天文愛好者可留意以下連結:
From April 10th until the end of this month, customers purchasing the AM3 or AM5 will receive a free TC40., while supplies last. Additionally, ZWO offers special discounts on the APO series. Check out the following links for more details:

AM5及AM3 諧波赤道儀 Harmonic Equatorial Mount:


ZWO新推出的 ASI585MC Pro是一款入門冷凍彩色天文相機,定價HK$ 4280。採用4K SONY CMOS感光元件,具有1/1.2吋畫幅和2.9μm像素,擁有超高的靈敏度、3840x2160的大解析度和高傳輸速度。其他詳情可參考eshop:

ZWO has also introduced the ASI585MC Pro, an entry-level cooled color astronomical camera, priced at HK$ 4280. It features a 4K SONY CMOS sensor with a 1/1.2-inch format and 2.9μm pixels, offering high sensitivity, a large resolution of 3840x2160, and high transmission speed. For more details, please refer to our eshop.

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