小測 Sharpstar 50EDPH Mini Test

分類: 器材情報 Equipment
昨晚測試新到的Sharpstar 50EDPH,接上ZWO 2600MC Duo拍攝,APS像場下修正度不俗,以3000多元連平場減焦鏡計,性價比十分高,而且也十分輕巧。
The newly arrived Sharpstar 50EDPH was test with ZWO 2600MC Duo last night. The correction over APS format was very good. Considering the price of just over HK$3000 with reducer include, it offers excellent cost performance, and light weight. 
Photos below are full image and crop from 4 corners, no flat field. Again, to reduce the overall weight of the equipment, the equatorial mount does not use a counterweight and only relies on a single spring.
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