Sky-Watcher EQ-AL 55i Pro 赤道儀/經緯儀及 AZ5 台架現貨供應 EQ-AL 55i Pro Equatorial Mount and AZ5 Mount in Stock

分類: 器材情報 Equipment
星河科研社為的香港獨家總代理。去年推出的Sky-Watcher Star Adventurer GTi 極受歡迎,台架僅重2.6 KG ,輕巧的一體化設計負重 5 KG,具備雙軸驅動GOTO功能等等,成為最暢銷的赤道儀之一。
Galaxy Scientific Group is the exclusive distributor of Sky-Watcher products in Hong Kong. The Sky-Watcher Star Adventurer GTi, launched last year, has been highly popular. Weighing only 2.6 KG and featuring a compact all-in-one design with a payload capacity of 5 KG, it has become one of the best-selling equatorial mounts.

Sky-Watcher 現進一步推出EQ-AL 55i Pro,比SA GT重約 1 KG,可負載 10 KG 鏡筒及天文攝影器材,適合低緯度地區使用。赤道儀內置Wi-Fi及極軸鏡,可連接手機APP控制。
Sky-Watcher now introduces the EQ-AL 55i Pro, which is approximately 1 KG heavier than the SA GT but can carry a load of up to 10 KG, making it suitable for use in low-latitude regions. The equatorial mount comes with built-in Wi-Fi and a polar scope, allowing control through a mobile app.

另外,星河科研社亦引入Sky-Watcher AZ5 台架,輕量化設計台架僅重2.3 KG,負重高達 6.8 KG。不但可快速調整兩軸,亦可以雙軸全周微動,適合觀景及天文觀測,可按需要購買立柱、三腳架或微動桿。
In addition, Galaxy Scientific Group has also introduced the Sky-Watcher AZ5 Mount. With a lightweight design weighing only 2.3 KG, it has a high payload capacity of 6.8 KG. It offers quick adjustment in both axes and full-circle micro-movements, making it suitable for both landscape viewing and astronomical observations. Pier extensions tripods, and soft cable can be purchased if needed.

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