Sharpstar 50EDPH、Askar 140APO & 185APO 現已接受預訂 Now Available for Pre-Order

分類: 器材情報 Equipment
星河科研社為銳星光學Sharpstar / Askar的香港獨家總代理,3款望遠鏡及其配件現已接受預定。50EDPH 預計12月上旬到貨;140APO 預訂後大概12月初後有貨,185APO 預訂大概2024年1月後有貨,但一切以廠方消息為準。
Galaxy Scientific Group, the exclusive distributor of Sharpstar and Askar in Hong Kong, is now accepting pre-orders for three telescopes and their accessories. The expected arrival time for the 50EDPH is early December, while the 140APO is expected to be available in early December after ordering, and the 185APO is expected to be available after January 2024, but subject to confirmation by the manufacturer.

Sharpstar EDPH系列新推出的50EDPH,口徑50mm,焦距275mm,原生焦比F5.5,包含燕尾板整體重量約1.07kg,總長度196mm。三片式全分離的APO設計,包含兩片ED玻璃,不但可以目視,亦可連接行星相機拍攝,配合專用減焦鏡整體焦比可降至F4.6,小巧輕便但功能齊全。
Sharpstar 50EDPH is a newly introduced telescope with a 50mm aperture, 275mm focal length, and a native focal ratio of F5.5. It weighs approximately 1.07kg and has a total length of 196mm, including the dovetail plate. The telescope features a triplet air-spaced APO design, including two ED glasses. It is suitable for visual observation and can also be used for planetary imaging with a dedicated focal reducer, which reduces the focal ratio to F4.6. Despite its compact and lightweight design, the Sharpstar 50EDPH offers full functionality.

Askar 繼120APO後,新推出兩款大口徑折射鏡140APO & 185APO,為天文愛好者提供新的選擇:
Askar has introduced two new refractor telescopes, the 140APO and 185APO, following the 120APO, providing new options for astronomy enthusiasts.

Askar 140APO 口徑140mm,焦距980mm,原生焦比F7,極限星等可達12.5;而Askar185APO 口徑185mm,焦距1295mm,原生焦比F7,極限星等可達13.1。
Askar 140APO has a 140mm aperture, 980mm focal length, and a native focal ratio of F7, with a maximum limiting magnitude of 12.5. While Askar 185APO has a 185mm aperture, 1295mm focal length, and a native focal ratio of F7, with a maximum limiting magnitude of 13.1.

Both telescopes feature a triplet air-spaced APO design, including one ED glass element. The telescopes have an integrated retractable design. When the lens tube is contracted, they can be used with a binoviewer for visual observation. When the lens tube is stretched, they can be connected with a specific 0.8x reducer or 1.0x flattener for imaging or a diagonal and eyepiece for observing.

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