沙田快閃觀星活動 Pop Up Stargazing Event

分類: 天文活動 Activities
昨晚在沙田舉行的快閃觀星活動,示範操作ZWO Seestar S50拍攝了多個目標,又出動了Celestron Evolution 8HD讓參加者目視觀看了土星木星及幾個深空天體。有剛收到新一批Seestar的朋友到場交流,有新預訂的朋友也預計會於一個多星期後到貨,氣氛很好的。以下照片除土星是以手機配合Celestron Evolution 8HD拍攝外,其餘深空天體及木星皆以Seestar拍攝。

Last night's pop-up stargazing event held in Sha Tin demonstrated the operation of the ZWO Seestar S50, capturing multiple targets. Participants also observed Saturn, Jupiter, and several deep sky objects through the Celestron Evolution 8HD. Friends who recently received their Seestar were present, while others who placed new orders are expected to receive their equipment in a week. The atmosphere was great. The following photos, except for Saturn, which was taken using a mobile phone in conjunction with the Celestron Evolution 8HD, while the deep sky objects and Jupiter captured using the Seestar.
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