我的拍攝土星歷程 My Journey in Saturn imaging

分類: 觀測報告 Observations
放下行星月面拍攝不只10年,這次重操故業,影像只屬初步出圖,後面再優化。回想80年代用5公分折射鏡在黃竹坑巴士站街燈下第一次看到土星光環興奮得可以,後來用7.6公分普通消色差折射鏡及自己組裝的10公分小牛反配單鏡反光機拍土星,只能勉強看到光環也十分滿足。17歲那年剛進中文大學,一年級便出任中大天文學會會長,同時重建了新亞書院天文台那1噸重的30公分f/8.5牛反,後來書院把裝備轉贈給我,主鏡現仍存於星河科研社火炭工作室。在大學期間我用那牛反裝上Nikon F單反及Kodak TP2415菲林拍的土星,登上了日本Sky Watcher雜誌,收穫一些菲林及現金奬勵。十多年前用自己的TMB 203 APO折射及Paramount ME赤道儀以映美精相機也拍過下,超過港幣50萬元及100公斤的裝備,不時開到海邊視寧度高的地方流動拍攝,可謂苦不堪言。後來也試過遙控自己西藏天文台的30公分牛反拍攝,但始終那裝備不是為行星月面優化,效果有限。也試過用我在雲南安裝供應給紫金山天文台的ASA 0.8m f/10 RC反射鏡 https://astro.hk/events/activities/id/1084 試拍,很有發揮空間,或許稍後洽談些合作可能性。說到底還是目前手上的裝備比較容易發揮,從家開車15分鐘便到基地小圓頂,開天窗便可拍攝,不用每次裝鏡也不用擔心光軸。Celestron EdgeHD 14口徑不小,四週植被較多所以視寧度也穏定,所以能夠輕鬆多拍一些照片,不過以我個性,在天文的興趣很廣泛,目視、攝影、製作器材等都有涉獵,所以不排除這次拍完就算,然後又等10年後... 

Celestron EdgeHD 14"
Sky-Watcher EQ8R Pro Synscan
PIPP, AutoStakker, Registax, WinJUPOS, Photoshop
2023-10-25 Time 20:49-21:14 

Haven't been doing planetary & lunar imaging for more than 10 years, now I pick up again. This image is only preliminary, and further optimization will be done later. I remember in the 1980s, using a 5 cm refractor, I was thrilled to see the rings of Saturn for the first time under a street lamp at the Wong Chuk Hang bus stop. Later, I used a 7.6cm achromatic refractor and a self-assembled 10cm Newtonian reflector with DSLR to capture Saturn. I could only barely see the rings, but I was still very satisfied. When I was 17 years old, just entering the Chinese University of Hong Kong, I became the president of the CUHK Astronomy Society in my freshman year. At the same time, I rebuilt the New Asia College Observatory with a 30 cm f/8.5 Newtonian reflector weighing 1 ton. Later, the college donated the equipment to me, and the primary mirror is still kept in the Galaxy Scientific Group's studio in Fo Tan. During the university years I used that Newtonian reflector, equipped with a Nikon F SLR camera and Kodak TP2415 film, to photograph Saturn, which was published in the Japanese Sky Watcher magazine and earned me some film and cash rewards. Over ten years ago, I also used my own TMB 203 APO refractor and Paramount ME equatorial mount with an TIS camera to capture it. The equipment cost over HKD 500,000 and weighed 100 kilograms. I often traveled to sea side for better seeing, which was also very physically demanding. I also tried remote-controlled imaging using the 30 cm Newtonian reflector at my own Tibet Observatory, but the equipment was never optimized for planetary lunar imaging, so the results were limited. I also tried using the ASA 0.8m f/10 RC reflector that I installed in Yunnan and supplied to the Purple Mountain Observatory https://astro.hk/events/activities/id/1084 for test shoot, and it showed great potential. Perhaps we can discuss some possibilities for collaboration later. Ultimately, it's still easier to work with the equipment I currently have in hand. It only takes a 15-minute drive from home to the small dome at the base, where I can open the dome shutter and start shooting without the need to install the telescope every time or worry about the optical alignment. The Celestron EdgeHD 14 is reasonably large aperture, and there is more vegetation around, so the seeing is stable, allowing me to easily take more images. However, considering my personality, my interest in astronomy is quite diverse, including visual observations, photography, and telescope making etc. So, I don't rule out the possibility that I might finish this imaging season soon and then wait another 10 years...
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