隨手拍月亮 ZWO Seestar S50 Casual Moon Imaging

分類: 觀測報告 Observations, 器材情報 Equipment

下一批Seestar下週到貨,將可交付9月14日前預訂的天文愛好者 https://eshop.astro.hk/hk/catalogs/products/0fdc1b1f-989e-4f8b-92e5-be7d10ef51d9

The weather was nice after sunset today, although the atmospheric transparency wasn't very high. While passing by the Butterfly Valley in Lai Chi Kok, I set up the Seestar on a flower bed by the roadside and captured some shots of the moon, M7, and M22 star clusters. I did some basic post-processing on the moon image, while the others are screenshots from my phone. Considering the light pollution in the environment, I am quite satisfied with the results.

The next batch of Seestar will arrive next week and will be available for delivery to astronomy enthusiasts who placed their orders before September 14th  https://eshop.astro.hk/hk/catalogs/products/0fdc1b1f-989e-4f8b-92e5-be7d10ef51d9
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