A fruitful day with ZWO Seestar S50 拍攝豐收穫

分類: 觀測報告 Observations, 器材情報 Equipment

下一批Seestar S50下週由工厰出貨,可以交付截至9月上旬的訂戶,稍後有更多陸續抵港, https://eshop.astro.hk/hk/catalogs/products/0fdc1b1f-989e-4f8b-92e5-be7d10ef51d9

Last night, the midnight clouds scattered, revealing a long-awaited starry sky. I immediately brought the Seestar to our western base in the New Territories for photography. I captured M42 Orion Nebula, M45 Pleiades star cluster, Perseus double star cluster and M33 Triangulum Galaxy one by one. At times, I had to place the telescope atop the toilet because the targets were too low, but it still worked perfectly once set up, even with a cumulative exposure time of 30 minutes. In the morning, I placed it on the windowsill to capture the Sun. From midnight until early morning, in less than 10 hours, the results were truly fruitful. These images include screenshots from my phone and some downloaded onto the computer for simple processing. Later, I may organize a learning group to exchange photography and post-processing techniques. Of course, for targets with lower surface brightness, it is necessary to wait for better weather conditions and optimize the capture and post-processing to achieve more ideal details.

The next batch of Seestar S50 will be shipped from factory next week and can be delivered to customers who placed their orders until early September. More shipments are expected to arrive later. https://eshop.astro.hk/en/catalogs/products/0fdc1b1f-989e-4f8b-92e5-be7d10ef51d9
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