First Light - ZWO Seestar S50 開光拍攝

分類: 觀測報告 Observations, 器材情報 Equipment
今晚天氣略為好轉,在家裡窗台架起ZWO Seestar S50,在Bortle 9的天空下在雲來雲往之間拍了15分鐘NGC7293螺旋星雲,拍攝時選用了內置的光害濾鏡。以下僅為手機直出JPG,未作任何處理。
下一批ZWO Seestar S50有機會於中秋前抵港,可滿足部份已預訂的愛好者,但以最後厰方安排的數量及可發貨時間為準。望遠鏡預訂連結如下,
Tonight, the weather slightly improved, so I set up the ZWO Seestar S50 on the windowsill at home. Amidst passing clouds, I captured the NGC7293 Helix Nebula for 15 minutes using the built-in light pollution filter under Bortle 9 sky. The following images are straight out of the phone in JPG format without any post-processing.
The next batch of ZWO Seestar S50 cameras is expected to arrive before the Mid-Autumn Festival and will fulfill some of the pre-orders from enthusiasts. However, the exact quantity and shipping time will depend on the final arrangements made by the manufacturer. The telescope pre-order link is provided above.
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