科研天文望遠鏡託管及觀測數據服務 Astronomical Research Telescopes Custody & Observation Data Service

分類: 技術項目 Projects
星河科研社過去20年集中在技術項目、儀器供應及教育工作三方面,去年開啟新的里程碑,開始提供科研天文望遠鏡託管及觀測數據服務。這隻DVD賣了50萬,當年隻身跑到西藏4300海拔上建造自己的遙控天文台,成為高原上的第一人,總總艱辛總算沒有白費。3.5米天文台、50公分口徑的Officina Stellare RiFast望遠鏡及Paramount ME赤道儀,或者很快會西遷至新台址。
Over the past 20 years, Galaxy Scientific Group has been focusing on technical projects, equipment supply and education. Last year, a new milestone was reached as we began to offer services for the custody of astronomical research telescopes and observation data service. This DVD has sold for HK$500,000. Still remember that year, I went alone to build my remote observatory at an altitude of 4300 meters in Tibet, becoming the first person on the plateau. All the hardships were not in vain. The 3.5m observatory, the 50 cm aperture Officina Stellare RiFast telescope, and the Paramount ME equatorial mount may soon be moved to a new location.
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