星河科研社與海洋公園合辦海洋賞月夜 Galaxy Scientific Group & Ocean Park Hong Kong co-hosted Mid-Autumn Moongazing Night

分類: 天文活動 Activities
【星河科研社 X 海洋公園 - 海洋賞月夜🔭🌕】
【Galaxy Scientific Group X Ocean Park Hong Kong - Mid-Autumn Moongazing Night】

報名連結 Registration Link:https://eshop.astro.hk/hk/catalogs/lists?sfor=default&sfna=%E6%B5%B7%E6%B4%8B%E8%B3%9E%E6%9C%88%E5%A4%9C


於2023年9月10日前報名可享有早鳥優惠價,接受多種電子付款,活動查詢可WhatsApp 98119630或瀏覽以上報名連結。

With Mid-Autumn Festival only a few weeks away, have you ever thought of admiring the moon and stars with your family at Ocean Park?

This year, Galaxy Scientific Group continues to collaborate with Ocean Park for the "Mid-Autumn Moongazing Night". The event will be held on September 29th and 30th, 2023, welcoming participants aged 3 or above. Enrolment is now open on a first-come, first-served basis. If you want to spend a great night learning astronomical knowledge with your family and friends, don’t miss this chance!

Early bird discounts are available for enrolment made before September 10th, 2023, accepting various electronic payment methods. For more details, please contact 98119630 via WhatsApp or refer to the registration link above.
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