Celestron 新品到貨、夏日優惠及特別交收時間 Celestron's New Arrivals, Summer Sale, and Special pickup schedule

分類: 市場訊息 Market update
Celestron 新品到貨,包括旗艦級的NexStar Evolution 9.25" EdgeHD with Starsense以及多款雙筒望遠鏡,詳情請見以下連結:
New Celestron products have arrived, including the flagship NexStar Evolution 9.25" EdgeHD with Starsense and various binoculars, etc. For more details, please visit the following link:
另外,為迎接銀河季節及第二期消費券,星河科研社推出夏日優惠,多款Celestron及Sky-Watcher產品推出減價優惠及連鏡買優惠,例如Celestron NexStar 8SE、PowerTank Lithium LT及 Sky-Watcher EQM35 Pro、 Star Adventurer GTI等,優惠陸續更新,詳情請見以下連結:
In celebration of the galaxy season and the second phase of consumer vouchers, Galaxy Scientific Group has launched summer sale, offering discounts and bundle deals on various Celestron and Sky-Watcher products such as the Celestron NexStar 8SE, PowerTank Lithium LT &, Sky-Watcher EQM35 Pro, Star Adventurer GTI. Discounts will be updated continuously. For more details, please visit the following link:

Special pickup schedules will be available on July 16th and 17th, 2023, to facilitate pickups for astronomy enthusiasts. Prior reservation is required via WhatsApp:


Special Pickup Schedule at Fo Tan Studio:
July 16, 2023 (Sunday): 2:00 PM to 5:00 PM
(Reservation must be made before 12:00 PM on the same day)
July 17, 2023 (Monday): Extended office hours from 6:00 PM to 9:00 PM
(Reservation must be made before 4:00 PM on the same day)
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