西藏遙控天文台 Tibet robotic observatory

分類: 技術項目 Projects
我們在西藏羊八井4300米海拔的遙控天文台,設有Officina Stellare RiFast 500mm口徑f/3.8攝星鏡及Software Bisque Paramount ME赤道儀,每年約有2000小時觀測時間。星河科研社在站上為建設了4個圓頂,包括國家天文台及台灣大學的,全部準備稍後西遷到更佳的台址。
Our robotice observatory in Yangbajing Tibet, at an altitude of 4300m, is equipped with an Officina Stellare RiFast 500mm aperture f/3.8 Astrograph and a Software Bisque Paramount ME equatorial mount, enjoying 2000 hours observing time each year. Galaxy Scientific Group has built 4 domes on site, including National Observatory and Taiwan University, all will be moved westward to a better site later.
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