ZWO ASIAIR Plus Wifi 天文設備智能盒子 256G 4月下旬到貨 現接受預訂

分類: 市場訊息 Market update, 器材情報 Equipment
星河科研社為ZWO振旺光電的香港代理,現接受ZWO ASIAIR Plus Wifi 天文設備智能盒子 256G 預訂。 
Galaxy Scientific Group is Hong Kong dealer of ZWO, accepts ZWO ASIAIR Plus Wifi 256G pre-order now.

ZWO 新推出 ASIAIR Plus Wifi 256G 將於4月下旬到貨,4月30日前預訂或購買將享有早鳥優惠價,有興趣的天文愛好者可以到eshop下單。
ZWO's new ASIAIR Plus Wifi Smart WiFi Controller 256G will arrive in late April. Pre-orders before April 30 can enjoy the early bird price. Interested astronomy enthusiasts can place order on eshop. 

全新升級的ASIAIR Plus Wifi 256G 的內存和性能比32G更高,拍攝深空天體或行星月球時數據傳輸速度亦更快。
The newly upgraded ASIAIR Plus Wifi Smart WiFi Controller 256G has higher storage capacity and better performance, such as faster data transmission speed when shooting deep space celestial bodies or planets and moons.

ZWO ASIAIR Plus Wifi 天文設備智能盒子 256G,定價HK$3180(早鳥優惠價HK$2878)。
ZWO ASIAIR Plus Wifi Smart WiFi Controller 256G, priced at HK$3180 (Early bird price:HK$2878).
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