Celestron NexStar 5SE、6SE、Evolution 9.25及Askar FMA180 pro攝星鏡到貨

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星河科研社為Celestron及Sharpstar / Askar銳星光學的香港獨家總代理。Celestron Evolution 9.25 以及NexStar 5SE、6SE已到貨,而Sharpstar / Askar銳星光學新推出的FMA180 pro亦已於eshop上架。
Galaxy Scientific Group is Hong Kong sole dealer of Celestron and Askar/Sharpstar. Celestron Evolution 9.25 and NexStar 5SE, 6SE have arrived, and the newly released FMA180 pro from Sharpstar / Askar is also available on the eshop now.

Celestron NexStar Evolution 9.25 施密特-卡塞格林折反射式望遠鏡口徑235mm,焦距2350mm,焦比f/10,更內置WIFI及電池,可以連續觀測10小時,可電動亦可手動控制。Nexstar Evolution的電腦化台架除了容易設置,其不銹鋼三腳架也令台架穩定性大大提高。Nexstar Evolution的跟蹤精度很高,除了目測也適合天文攝影。將設備連接iOS或Android手機Celestron SkyPortal應用程式,即可控制Nexstar Evolution系列的望遠鏡。
The Celestron NexStar Evolution 9.25 Schmidt-Cassegrain refractor telescope has a 235mm aperture, 2350mm focal length, focal ratio of f/10, built-in WIFI and battery, and can be used for 10 hours of continuous observation.
It's computerised mount is easy to set up and its stainless steel tripod provides significant stability. The NexStar Evolution's high tracking accuracy makes it suitable for astrophotography as well as visual observations. Indeed, it can be controlled by connecting your device to the Celestron SkyPortal app for iOS or Android phones.

Celestron NexStar Evolution 9.25 施密特-卡塞格林折反射式望遠鏡,定價HK$22800。
Celestron NexStar Evolution 9.25 Telescope, priced at HK$22800.

Celestron NexStar 5SE 電腦化望遠鏡,定價HK$7280。
Celestron NexStar 5SE Computerized Telescope, priced at HK$7280.

Celestron NexStar 6SE 電腦化望遠鏡,定價HK$8580。
Celestron NexStar 6SE Computerized Telescope, priced at HK$8580.

Askar FMA180 Pro F4.5 攝星鏡,定價HK$2680。
Askar FMA180 F4.5 Astrograph, priced at HK$2680.

Askar新推出的FMA180 pro是一款功能更加一體化的小型攝星鏡,口徑40mm,焦比f/4.5,焦距180mm。在光學設計與結構上採用前三後三的六片式全分離 APO 設計,其中兩片為ED玻璃,色差控制非常優異。與FMA180相比,其增加了尋星鏡基座與360°旋轉器,並將調焦器設計為內調焦型,增加了調焦器的穩定性,更保障其作為小巧、高品質的小型攝星鏡的使用性能。多功能支架使其既能作拍攝使用,也能在卸下Vixen窄型鳩尾板後直接作為導星鏡安裝到其他望遠鏡的尋星鏡基座上。

Askar's new FMA180 pro is an all-in-one compact stargazer with a 40mm aperture, focal ratio of f/4.5 and a focal length of 180mm, featuring a six-piece fully discrete APO design with two pieces of ED glass for excellent chromatic aberration control. Compared to the FMA180, it has an additional finders base and 360° rotator. The focuser is designed as internal focusing which promotes its stability and ensures its performance in use as a delicate, high-quality, and compact astrograph. The multifunctional base can not only be used for astrophotography but also be mounted onto other telescopes' finder bases as a finder scope after the Vixen dovetail plate is detached.

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