星河科研社2023年2月觀星實習 Monthly Stargazing Workshop

分類: 天文活動 Activities
星河科研社2023年2月新界西基地每月觀星實習昨夜順利舉行,感謝各位朋友支持,活動發報後短時間內已滿額,再加額亦滿。幸好天公造美活動全程天氣理想,三位工作人員除講解及協助各位參加者操作自己的望遠鏡,包括Celestron Nexstar、Starsense Explorer、Sky-Watcher Star Adventuer、Askar PHQ、ZWO ASIAIR及冷凍相機等十多台器材進行目視及天文攝影外,亦開放剛剛啟用的3m Scopedome以大口徑EdgeHD 14目視深空。
有關活動旨在支援在星河科研社購買了天文望遠鏡的朋友,提供每月一次實習機會,解答疑難及提升個人觀測水平,有興趣的朋友可留意facebook Astrocafe群組https://www.facebook.com/groups/1836992643243753或以下報名版面https://eshop.astro.hk/hk/catalogs/lists/pages/1?sfc=077796c9-88f5-4376-b976-f2d3499ab533,亦可發送whatsapp訊息至https://wa.me/85298119630或在eshop註冊賬號並選擇接收活動及器材訊息https://eshop.astro.hk/,以便第一時間收到活動通知。
Galaxy Scientific Group 2023-02 New Territories West base monthly stargazing workshop was successfully held last night. Thanks to all fans for their support, the workshop was full shortly after announced. Fortunately the weather was ideal throughout the event. 3 instructors were present to assist the participants to operate their own telescopes, included Celestron Nexstar, Starsense Explorer, Sky-Watcher Star Adventuer, Askar PHQ, ZWO ASIAIR and cooled camera etc. In addition to dozen sets of equipment for visual and astrophotography, the newly installed 3m Scopedome with EdgeHD 14 was opened for deep sky observing.
The purpose of this program is to support fans who have purchased astronomical telescopes from the Galaxy Scientific Group, to provide monthly practicing opportunity to answer technical questions and improve observing skills. Interested fans can follow the facebook Astrocafe group https://www.facebook.com/groups/1836992643243753or the registration page https://eshop.astro.hk/hk/catalogs/lists/pages/1?sfc=077796c9-88f5-4376-b976-f2d3499ab533, or send a whatsapp message to https://wa.me/85298119630 or register an account in eshop and choose to receive event and equipment news https://eshop.astro.hk/, so as to receive event notification timely.

星河科研社為香港Celestron, Sky-Watcher, Sharpstar/Askar, ZWO代理,提供全港最齊全現貨行貨天文儀器。過去20年承造香港、澳門、中國內地、台灣及東南亞多項科研及教育設施,並與多所院校提供天文活動及課程。
Galaxy Scientific Group is the distributor / dealer of Celestron, Sky-Watcher, Sharpstar/Askar, ZWO of Hong Kong, the largest supplier of astronomical equipment with local stock. Numerous of astronomical facilities for research and education in Hong Kong, Macau, China inland, Taiwan and South East Asia were built by Galaxy Scientific Group, in additions to many astronomical activities and course were provided to different schools and institutes. 
瀏覽次數: 2015喜歡: 0
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