Celestron RASA 8 接受預訂 Celestron RASA 8 Available for Pre-order

分類: 市場訊息 Market update
斷貨超過一年,厰方生產延誤多時的Celestron RASA 8 光學鏡筒組合預計可於4月上旬交付,現開始接受預訂。定價為HK$16200,客人須先付10%訂金,貨到後2星期內支付尾數。現在於eshop下訂享有預售優惠,於支付尾數及交付產品後會有5%回贈到eshop銀包,可於1年內用作購買器材、參加活動、支付運費等。VIP更享有額外優惠,具體優惠價可以個人賬號登入後查看,港澳地區的客戶可享免運費優惠。註若交付時間因廠方延誤1個月或以上則可選擇退還訂金或繼續等候到貨。到貨後必須於兩星期內支付尾數,否則會取消訂單及不退還訂金,除此以外不接受任何原因退款。

After more than a year of shortage, the Celestron RASA 8 is now available for pre-order and is estimated to arrive in the first half of April 2023. Priced at HK$16,200, a 10% non-refundable deposit is required, with the balance due within 2 weeks upon arrival. We now offer a special pre-order offer on the eshop. A 5% rebate will be given to your eshop wallet after the settling the balance and receiving the product, which can be used to purchase equipments, activities, freight costs, etc. within 1 year. VIPs will receive an additional discount, which can be viewed by logging into your account, while customers in Hong Kong and Macau can enjoy free shipping. 
Note: If the delivery time is delayed by 1 month or more, you can choose to return the deposit or continue waiting for the RASA 8 to arrive. The balance of the order must be settled within 2 weeks of arrival, otherwise the order will be cancelled and the deposit will not be refunded, no refunds will be accepted for any other reasons.

Celestron RASA 8 官方網頁資料 Official Website : 

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