Askar 65PHQ折射式攝星鏡

分類: 市場訊息 Market update, 器材情報 Equipment

星河科研社為銳星光學Sharpstar / Askar的香港獨家總代理,Askar新推出的65PHQ 折射式攝星鏡預售價為HK$7080。eshop會於2022年12月1日起至2023年1月1日期間接受預訂,廠方預計會於2023年1月上旬出貨。

Galaxy Scientific Group is Hong Kong sole dealer of Sharpstar and Askar.   Askar's new 65PHQ Refracting astrograph is now available for pre-order on eshop, starting from 1st December 2022 to 1st January 2023, with pre-order price HK$7080. The factory expects to start shipping in early January 2023.


65PHQ, with its smallest aperture in the PHQ series, is coming soon. 65PHQ has a focal ratio of f/6.4 and a focal length of 416mm. Instead of the quadruplet structure of other PHQs, the 65PHQ is a quintuplet with two ED glasses which offers excellent control of chromatic and other aberrations. With its self-flattening design, 65PHQ offers strong advantages in the astronomical shooting. It supports the full-frame image circle and has a fine spot diagram with tiny distortions of the peripheral stars.


There is no need to buying extra flatteners or calculating the back focus of the flattener for the 65PHQ. The OTA weighs 2kg, and the full package with tube rings, etc. weighs 2.8kg. The 2.5” rigid focuser comes with a new-type 360° rotator with scales and a finder base. M68, M54, and M48 camera adapters are also attached, and the M48 adapter has a 2” female thread for installing filters.

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