Askar Colour Magic 6nm D Filter Package 濾鏡組合

分類: 市場訊息 Market update, 器材情報 Equipment

星河科研社為銳星光學Sharpstar / Askar的香港獨家總代理Askar新推出的Colour Magic 6nm D濾鏡組合已經在eshop上架,定價 HK$ 4280。

Galaxy Scientific Group is Hong Kong sole dealer of Sharpstar and Askar.   Askar's new Colour Magic 6nm D filter Package is now available on the eshop priced at HK$4280.

這個濾鏡組合專為深空天體攝影而設,有效隔絕光污染等干擾。組合包括D1、D2兩款濾鏡。Hα+OIII 6nm雙窄頻濾鏡稱為D1, SII+OIII 6nm雙窄頻濾鏡稱為D2,為彩色相機使用者們提供了在不使用黑白相機和三通道單窄濾鏡的情況下,也能拍攝出類似效果。現在彩色相機用家只要加上D濾鏡,只需要拍2張照片就能達到用黑白相機拍3張的效果。

This D filter package is designed for deep-sky astrophotography and is effective against light pollution and other interference. the  Hα+OIII 2" 6nm duo-narrowband filter "D1” and the SII+OIII filter "D2”, the combination of them is Askar's latest "D" filter set. It offers a new way for color camera users to get similar results without using a mono camera and the SHO filters. By adding the D filter, colour camera users can now take two shots and achieve effects of three shots with a mono camera.

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