望遠鏡重型立柱 Heavy duty telescope pier

分類: 器材情報 Equipment, 技術項目 Projects
星河科研社過去20年來建造不少天文設施,所以經常要設計訂製望遠鏡立柱,今日收到的這條比較重量級,用上20mm鋼板,真的一噸重的望遠鏡都能裝上去了。這立柱會安裝在新的星河科研社新界西天文基地用,頂板已預鑽多組螺孔,可以安裝多款Paramount赤道儀、ASA DDM 100赤道儀及其他,日後很多測試工作都要靠它了。

In the past 20 years, Galaxy Scientific Group has built many astronomical facilities, so it is often necessary to design and build custom telescope piers. The one received today is relatively heavy duty and even uses 20mm steel plates, a telescope that really weighs a ton can be installed. This column will be installed in the new Galaxy Scientific Group New Territories West Astronomical Base later. The top plate has pre-drilled multiple sets of screw holes, which can be installed with various Paramount equatorial mounts, ASA DDM 100 equatorial mounts and others. It will be relied on for a lot of testing work in the future.
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