星河科研社觀星實習 Stargazing Workshop

分類: 天文活動 Activities
星河科研社實體觀星實習 Galaxy Scientific Group Stargazing Workshop https://eshop.astro.hk/hk/catalogs/products/a8aaa5e1-20e9-481c-be29-9d035ebb28aa 對象:星河科研社望遠鏡客戶 內容:提供基礎操作望遠鏡知識、指導參加者操作Celestron NexStar、StarSense系列天文望遠鏡及C90+Star Adventurer Mini套裝望遠鏡、認識秋冬天星座、使用星河科研社望遠鏡觀看土星、木星及秋冬深空天體等。 地點:新界屯門掃管笏程屋村天文實習基地(不提供來回交通,但鼓勵參加者拼車或自行駕車前往,現場可以免費泊車) 日期:2022年11月12日(星期六晚) 時間:晚上6時至8時半 費用:每位$120 人數:10人,先到先得,額滿即止 報名方法:有興趣的參加者可以於eshop登記參加 截止報名:2022年11月9日中午12時 (星期三) 備註: 1. 參加者可自行決定是否帶備個人望遠鏡實習,導師當晚會準備Celestron NexStar 8SE、Starsense LT80、C90 Mak及Sky-Watcher Star Adventurer Mini這三款望遠鏡各一台作示範。 2. 若因天雨或雲層影響,導師有權更改活動安排,參加者不得異議。 3. 若報名人數不足,或活動前3小時天文台發出紅色暴雨警告、三號或以上颱風信號,活動取消並全數於Eshop銀包退款,可作日後購買天文產品或日後參加活動,或應要求可以銀行轉賬退款,除此以外不接其他原因退款或改期參與。 4. 活動只限已預訂或購買天文望遠鏡的星河科研社客戶參與,本社有權要求提供購買單據作參考。 *如無法自行駕車前往,建議參加者拼車前往,集合地點可選屯門站B出口 或 荃灣站 Target: Telescope customers of Galaxy Scientific Group Contents: Provide basic knowledge of telescope operation, guide participants to operate Celestron NexStar, StarSense Explorer series astronomical telescopes and C90+SA mini set telescopes, recognize autumn & winter constellations, and use the telescope of Galaxy Scientific Group to view Saturn, Jupiter and deep sky objects, etc. Venue: Astronomy Practice Base at Cheng Uk Estate, So Kwun Wat, Tuen Mun, New Territories (as photo shown), no round-trip transportation is provided, but participants will be encouraged to carpool, or drive themselves, free parking available. Date: November 12, 2022 (Saturday night) Time: 6:00pm to 8:30pm Fee: $120 per person Number of people: 10 people, first come, first served Registration method: Interested participants can register to participate in the eshop Deadline for registration: 12:00 noon on 9 November 2022 (Wednesday) Remarks: 1. Participants can decide whether to bring their own telescopes for practice. The instructor will prepare three telescopes, Celestron NexStar 8SE, Starsense LT80, C90 Mak and Sky-Watcher Star Adventurer Mini, for demonstration. 2. In the event of rain or clouds, the instructor has the right to change the activity arrangement, and the participants shall not object. 3. If the number of applicants is insufficient, or the red rainstorm warning or typhoon signal No. 3 or above is issued by the Observatory 3 hours before the event, the event will be cancelled and all refunds will be made in the Eshop wallet, which can be used to purchase astronomical products in the future or participate in the event in the future, or cash refund by bank transfer upon request. No refund or extension of participation will be accepted for other reasons. 4. The activity is only limited to telescope customers of Galaxy Scientific Group who have booked or purchased astronomical telescopes, Galaxy Scientific Group has the right to request the purchase receipt for reference. *Participants unable to drive by themselves can carpool by taxi with meeting point Tuen Mun Station Exit B or Tsuen Wan Station Photo Credit : @CK Photography
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