Celestron Kids 50mm Newtonian 天文望遠鏡

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這支外形輕巧的CELESTRON KIDS 50MM NEWTONIAN TELESCOPE https://eshop.astro.hk/hk/catalogs/products/e0dafbdd-2bf6-472d-b153-6bc57baf8f05 是一支正規的天文望遠鏡。其性能廣泛,配上附送的12.5mm目鏡能以16倍觀測月球上壯麗的環形山跟地形,同時剛好能觀測土星如一顆米粒大小的光環;木星的四顆伽利略衛星也能輕鬆看見。這支望遠鏡同時能觀測最明亮的星雲和星團,如M42獵戶座大星雲、M7疏散星團、M45七姊妹星團等。望遠鏡有標準1.25"目鏡座讓你換上不同目鏡。鏡筒上的準星讓尋找目標的過程更加簡單迅速。可移除的鑲板讓用家得以一探反射式望遠鏡的光學原理。


Hereby introducing a miniature telescope, perfect for cultivating students and children's interests towards the night sky.

This compact light CELESTRON KIDS 50MM NEWTONIAN TELESCOPE https://eshop.astro.hk/hk/catalogs/products/e0dafbdd-2bf6-472d-b153-6bc57baf8f05 is a standard astronomical telescope. It is an all-rounded telescope. With the included 12.5mm eyepiece, you can observe the astonishing impact craters and landscapes on the moon, you can also notice the rice grain size-like rings of Saturn; all 4 Galilean moons can be easily seen as well. This telescope can be used to observe the brightest nebulae and star clusters, such as M42 the Great Nebula of Orion, M7 open cluster, M45 Pleiades cluster and many more! With the standard 1.25" eyepiece holder, one can mount different eyepieces. The sight bead on the optical tube allows easier and faster aiming. Removable side panel allows users to sneak peek how mirrors work.

Galaxy Scientific Group can design telescope workshops based on school requirements, providing opportunities for students to learn how reflecting telescopes work, as well as using this telescope to locate different celestial objects such as the moon and planets. Galaxy Scientific Group also welcome private parties for inquiries.

Galaxy Scientific Group - Celestron Hong Kong sole dealer.
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